We are starting a dynamic parish-wide program that offers a way to explore and deepen our call to discipleship through an engaging small-group process. There will be 7, two hour sessions with a Small Christian Community. Each group will have will have 6 – 10 people based on registration preferences. Each session includes prayer, reflection on Sacred Scripture, inspiring stories of “good news people,” focus on a weekly virtue, and woven through it all, opportunities for sharing in dialogue. The last step will be an immersion experience to witness Christ in action. This is an opportunity to expand your faith wherever you may be on your spiritual journey.
To sign up, contact: Elaine Ricci at 715-671-8123 or [email protected] or
Mary DeFoe at 651-260-9954 or [email protected]
Registration forms can be found below under the "Growing Our Faith Resources" section.
Email, return to the parish office, or drop in the collection basket.
05/2020 Update:
From the past year the committee has spent time collecting and organizing items and activities that need attention in our parishes to grow our church. This year the committee will focus on the prioritized items from the five areas:
03/2020 Update:
2020 Focus of Grow Our Faith Community Committee
The Grow Our Faith Community Committee has been focused on building Small Christian Communities over the last year and will continue to do so. The communities have been a blessing and are rewarding to those involved. If you are interested and there has been a voice calling you to do this, contact Elaine Ricci 715-671-8123 or Mary DeFoe 651-260-9954. We seek your participation and welcome you!
This year the committee will focus on the priority items identified last year to help our church grow. There were five areas identified that need attention in our church: Service, Welcome, Social Outreach, Community Outreach, and Parish Outreach. The Welcoming Sub-committee will be the first to be formed. We would like to have representatives from all three parishes. Once a subcommittee is formed, the purpose will be to:
Generate ideas to provide a “welcoming environment in our parish”
Review and revise existing practices for welcoming new people
Determine what new activities should be established to ensure we have a continued welcoming feeling to our church
Identify how the practices will be carried out
To participate: contact Elaine Ricci 715-671-8123 or Mary DeFoe 651-260-9954.
05/2019 Update:
The Grow Our Faith Community Committee has continued to meet after the January 6th session with Rich Curran. The goal of this project is to significantly increase active membership in our Catholic Faith Community and to engage more people in the community through outreach. The committee has representatives from each of the cluster parishes which have been reviewing the ideas generated from the January sessions. More information will be available as this project continues to focus in on the top ideas for the coming year.
01/2019 Update:
In January 2019, over 100 cluster members attended the Renew event. Rich Curran and his team delivered a great presentation and helped attendees start the important dialog about how we can help grow our aith community. As we move on from this event, the Growing Our Faith committee looks forward to rfeviewing and organizing the data collected from the event and working with our parishes to achieve goals.
[Meeting Minutes]